Megan Lubin
Writer | Audio Producer | Engineer
About me:
​​​I produce audio content that changes the way people understand the world around them. My sweet spots are:
making history feel vivid and relevant.
working with hosts to develop their voice and connect deeply with listeners.
I work all sides of the production pipeline, from story scouting to scoring and assembly, and everything in between.
​​​I received my Masters in Sound Arts and Industries from Northwestern University, with a focus in audio production and the history of sound. Before working in audio, I was a communications strategist for political technology startups in Washington, DC.
I live in Portland, Oregon, and listen to a lot of music.​
Listen to some of
my work:
What I do (really):
The title “producer” can mean many different things, depending on the project. Here are some roles I’ve played and loved:
Development Producer - manages the initial process of creating an audio series. Establishes an editorial voice, designs the series structure and format, hires teams, pitches the show to potential partners. ​
Producer - makes the audio series. This includes logistical production (booking, scheduling, project management), creative production (interviewing, episode outlining, scripting) and technical production (cutting tape, assembling episodes, scoring, mixing).
Story Editor - edits paper and audio drafts of episodes, works closely with the producer to strategize and workshop the story.​
Writer - scripts a story or series.
Project Manager - manages timelines, production workflow, equipment, staffing, budgets and contracting.
Story Scout - finds and pitches characters and story ideas, and/or conducts preliminary reporting for a series in development. ​
Field Producer - tracks down and records relevant audio in "the field", AKA on the ground, as something is happening.
Syncer/Remote Engineer - records professional broadcast quality audio on location.
Researcher - researches episode subjects and character backgrounds, sources archival audio.
Host - voices or anchors a show.